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WELLES Courses.

Deep Learning

Machine Learning

Machine Learning is definitely one of the hottest fields to get into today. It may sound intimidating, but don't worry - Welles School has designed the course to be accessible to nearly everyone. We'll hand you all the fundamentals to become a qualified Data Analyst or Machine Learning Engineer with Python, TensorFlow, SQL, Deep Neutral Networks...

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FULLSTACK - Web Developer

Become a Full-Stack Developer

Study Full-Stack Web Development HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React, Redux, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Git, Agile... Learn all the skills you need to build modern, dynamic web apps. Web Development is the most in-demand skill in the IT field, and Welles School will teach you everything you need to know to land your first web developer job.

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Blockchain Course

UC Welles's premier Computer Science

What you will learn Synthesize your own blockchain solutions Gain an in-depth understanding of the specific mechanics of Bitcoin Understand Bitcoin’s real-life applications and learn how to attack and destroy Bitcoin, Ethereum, smart contracts and Dapps, and alternatives to Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm Enterprise-level blockchain implementations and understand the scaling struggles of blockchain and potential solutions.

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Security Course

OWASP Top 10 Web Application Security Risks

OWASP Top 10 Web Application Security Risks for SPRING BOOT By Troy Hunt This course introduces the OWASP Top 10 Most Critical Web Application Security Risks including how to demonstrate and mitigate them in SPRING BOOT. Description Web applications today are being hacked with alarming regularity by hacktivists, online criminals, and nation states.

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Data Modermization & Governance Course

Learn about Data Lake, Data ware house, Data Hub, Data Mart, Analitics Data Store, Data Vault 2.0, Kimbal, MDM....

This course will explain how to handle data in a modern way and best practices of industiry in building and in governing modern data solutions. Modern solutions that include Data Lakes Data Bubs and A.I. are near imposible witout Data Governance, Traditional like Maste Data Managment is aslo near imposible to do without it.

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0 Cooperating With Universities
0 Team of Specialists
0 + Years of Expiriance

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